How We Work

The results you can expect working with us

Clarity of values and life purpose: You will choose what you do, based on what matters most to you. You will gather significant momentum with new habits, tools and strategies to achieve your goals faster than ever before.

Better self-management skills: By not being controlled by the clock and external demands of people and patients you will hone your ability to assess and prioritize your tasks, resulting in better focus and productivity.

Leadership of your own inner life: You will have a heightened awareness and notice every time you’re tempted to see yourself as a victim. You will be equipped to choose to embrace an attitude of responsibility and proactive engagement with life instead.

Balance in your home and work life: Simple strategies will allow you to embrace a sense of satisfaction, knowing that your family and work are both flourishing. A toolkit of tried and tested techniques will bring about this transformation within just a few sessions of us working together.

Organizational literacy and collaboration: We help your teams come together with clarity and direction to accomplish goals aligned to the organization’s vision and mission.

From a clinician to a vibrant collaborative leader: You will be prepared to navigate your new role and remain resilient in the face of demands of an executive and be an indispensable vibrant collaborative leader.

Collaboratively working teams: Team members understand the shared purpose and work on projects and grants collaboratively. Patients and ancillary staff are all engaged and leverage systemic functioning. Team members make good decisions on your behalf.

Engaging with communities for everyone’s benefit: Interdepartmental collaborations are expanding, and you know you can count on your fellow physicians and trainees to deliver for you. You’ve mastered delegation, inspiring collaboration and interdependence. Working with values and strategic objectives, you have more time to build bridges and creative innovations.

Culture of Leadership: Your leadership supports collaborative decision-making with individuals and in groups, aiming for solutions that attend to as many needs as possible of all that are affected. The department systems are working collaboratively with feedback loops in place that keeps everyone in the loop.

An attitude of leadership towards the organization: You will enhance in your ability to enlarge your outreach integrate with utmost seriousness the purpose and values of the organization and its designated leaders. You will be able to choose in each moment, how you want to act in support of multiple stakeholders.

We coach your family members and immediate circle of influence: By coaching, your immediate circle of influence, they inspire, and encourage productivity and efficiency. We engage in a dialogue concerning what is needed, in terms of both tasks and resources, to bring about the desired future.

Our Guiding Beliefs and Values That We Bring To Every Engagement

The Work is both in us and about us: We are grounded in the consciousness of Nonviolent Communication, which allows us to honour and appreciate our differences and celebrate our common needs. We work with our clients to identify needs, support to understand that everyone’s needs matter and how focus on connection leads to solutions.

Choice is Internal: We value fostering resiliency and vitality by building capacity to choose consciously how we respond to life. We help our clients to design individual practices and experiences to collectively build and strengthen inner capacities and inner freedom.

It’s never too late to be what you might have been: What we pay attention to and how we pay attention is what we create. We work side by side with our clients to look through the Appreciative Inquiry lens and discover a revolutionary approach to leadership.

A relaxed body is a relaxed mind: We emphasize stillness and the calmness underlying your busy thoughts. We provide exercises to shift awareness, connect with the best future possibility and gain ability to realize it.

No is just an answer. But a series of no’s is…A series of no’s will leave you feeling successful. One day at a time. We help our clients to say No with grace and effect and avoid innumerable heartaches and headaches and create stronger personal and professional relationships.

We Have A Specific Approach To The Work We Do…

…You Can Count On These Things

We ask insightful questions. Our job is to ask questions that significantly influence your ability to produce the kind of products, services and outcomes that people will love. My questions open minds beyond the ordinariness of what “is” in favour of what “could be.”

We focus on metrics that matters. We clarify the personal and professional results that we’re measuring, and monitor their improvement. We surface and disseminate the most relevant and critical indicators that show your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

We are with you every step of the way. We help you stay anchored to the purpose behind your dreams and goals and support you develop your best versatile self every step of the way.

We help you strengthen your internal capacities in making decisions, carrying them out, and collaborating with others towards effective outcomes.

We support and guide you in growing ease in lining up actions with core values and deep priorities; modelling to others to disseminate throughout the organization.

We check your resilience and vitality on a regular basis, helping you to avoid pitfalls. And to give you a realistic time line for success.

We serve as a resource for new ideas, behaviors, and practices that will help you better achieve your goals, build resilience and vitality.

We guarantee absolute confidentiality. We will honour and protect your privacy and confidentiality of any communications and personal information shared with us. Your personal information will not be shared with any person or organization including your employer, physician, or healthcare provider without your written permission.

Now that you know more about how we work with our clients, learn more about our Coaching Physician Leadership Vitality and Resilience program.